The scavenger hunt for Berlin visitors & "real Berliners".

You will experience a city rally of a special kind! Ideal for incentives like teambuilding, company outing or corporate event.

Hello dear Ms Ryrko,

Thanks for sending us the photos. I will send them on to the team soon so that we can all take a moment to reflect on this beautiful day

Our team-building event was – despite the somewhat awful weather conditions – an all-round success, and the feedback all positive. Thanks to your smooth organisation and charming moderation, we were all made to feel very much at ease. The mood was relaxed and the department bonded. Moreover, everyone was able to learn something new, even the native Berliners. Many wonderful thanks for everything!

Lots of wishes from the Bahn accounting department!

Catherine Goedecke
Global Accounting Processes (FBG)

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